Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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101 lines
The object oriented GUI creation system.
Release 1.1
(c) 1993-1994 Stefan Zeiger
The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable, but
are also Copyright (c) Stefan Zeiger. They may be freely distributed as long
as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying costs.
triton.library is distributed as fully functional shareware. If you want to
customize the look and feel of Triton GUIs, you have to register the Triton
Preferences editor. You will then get a keyfile which will enable you to
save all settings.
If you want to register Triton, please send DM20, US$15 or an equal
amount in any other valid currency to:
Stefan Zeiger
Seligenstädter Weg 24
D-63796 Kahl
Send money by EuroCheck (only in German Marks (DM)!), postal(!) money
order or cash! It's impossible for me to cash in foreign checks, even if the
amount is in DM. Please state the version of triton.library you have (use
the C:Version command to display the version).
There is absolutely *no* obligation for you to register Triton. If you
don't need the registered Preferences editor, then you need not register.
The Triton support BBS is:
Plus BBS
SysOp : Daniel Schrod
Z-Netz: plus.zer
V.32b (14k4), ZyX (19k2), V.42b, 8N1
Phone: +49-(0)6023-32603
You may log in as 'SAUGER' and download Triton from the sub-board
/WIZARDWORKS/PROGRAMME. Both a german and an english user interface are
available at Plus BBS.
The latest Triton version may also be obtained via FidoNet file request
as 'TRITON' from 'Publishers Treff BBS':
Publishers Treff BBS
SysOp: Christoph Reichert
Fido : 2:244/6302.0
V.32b (14k4), ZyX (19k2), V.42b, 8N1
If you want to use Triton for a shareware product, please register and
send me an uncrippled version of your product. If you want to use Triton for
a commercial product, please contact me directly for information about
licensing Triton.
All of the files copyrighted by the author must remain unmodified. None
of these files may be distributed on its own, the entire package must be
distributed as one whole. If not explicitly stated otherwise all files are
subject to my copyright on the Triton package. All icons are excluded from
this copyright. The Triton Preferences Editor icon has been created by
myself but is hereby placed in the public domain.
There is one exception to the above redistrivution limitation. If you
plan to release a freely distributable program, you may include the
Distribution drawer (which can be found under the name 'Triton' in the
'Programmer/Distribution' directory) with your distribution. It is left to
the programmer to decide whether he wishes to register Triton. Registration
is not required, but would certainly be appreciated. If you include Triton
with a crippled shareware program I'd like to ask you to send me a full
working version.
Whether your program is freely distributable or commercial, you must
state in your documentation that your program uses triton.library and that
Triton is Copyright (c) Stefan Zeiger.